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WhiteCanyon Software’s proven drive sanitisation software solution, WipeDrive Enterprise, is implemented in multi-national corporations (MNC) every day in diverse technical environments. WipeDrive Enterprise is certified by Common Criteria EAL 2+, NATO, NYCE and is compliant with GDPR, NIST, HIPAA to securely remove all data from platter-based, SSD and NVMe drives.
As the world leader in software-based data erasure, WipeDrive Enterprise continually improves compatibility with new storage technology. Each wipe is verified, and a hash-encrypted audit report is created for each drive. This report is compliant with the internal Data Security Policy of the world’s largest corporations.
WipeDrive Enterprise
WipeDrive allows corporations and government entities to securely and permanently erase data from hard drives, removable media, and mobile devices, providing a cost-effective, secure, and socially responsible way of recycling and retiring computer storage. WipeDrive is the world leader in secure data destruction.

WipeDrive Mobile
WipeDrive Mobile allows corporations and government entities to securely and permanently erase all data from iOS devices and then re-load the most recent version of iOS automatically. Devices erased with WipeDrive Mobile end up in a like-new state with all sensitive data gone.
About Us
From hardware appliances to software solutions and training, DT Asia understands cybersecurity challenges and can deliver solutions that help detect & identify, protect & secure, authenticate & authorise, and degauss & destroy.
Contact Us
#02-72 WCEGA Tower,
Singapore 658065